Starting a PhD in UK? Know these 5 resources which will help you through your journey

I have seen candidates struggling with their PhD and sometimes they just back off. Annual Academic Report stated that over 47% of candidates take their enrolment to PhD back as they are not clear about the research and writing work and that makes their PhD a cumbersome journey to walk through.

After discussing with a number of naïve researchers we have find out the main reason behind the distraction is their inability to make full utilization of resources available for help.

Today, I’m going to discuss some of the amazing resources which will help you through your PhD journey:

  • Scrivener:
    Looking for something that works efficiently and effectively?
    I’m sure you’ll love the idea of writing software that will manage every bits and pieces of your writing. Right from managing and organizing the course material, keeping versions of the draft to the brainstorming lists and taking notes from the supervisor, Scrivener serves you in all and saves a lot of your time.
  • Mendeley:
    Researchers spent extensive time on reading the research papers, reviewing the literature background and formatting the citation but now, ‘Mendeley’ can do all these for you. It is easy to use as it syncs well with everything to the cloud and between computers. For using ‘Mendeley’, download the research paper in PDFs and put them in ‘Mendeley’. It uses all the important information such as the title, author name and simplifies the citation and reference problem for you.
  • Grammarly:
    Need a proofreader or editor? I have sorted out this for you.
    Editing and proofreading is an important and time-consuming task of writing a thesis which needs to be done on right time. ‘Grammarly’ helps in such is an automated online proofreader which acts as an editor too. You can save a lot of your time by placing the text in the text editor and Grammarly will show the suggestion and changes need to made. The annual paid subscription of ‘Grammarly’ costs $99 which is definitely a worth to give a shot.
  • Zotero:
    During my PhD course I have found that managing referencing is cumbersome task which is time-consuming and requires great efforts. And Zotero came to rescue. Zotero is a reference manager which makes the clumsy job easy and tidy. It is available in both as a standalone program or a plug-in for Firefox web browser. It helps in saving references of later use.
  • Diigolet:
    Diigolet helps in researching the content or you can say it’s a researching tool which helps in highlighting the text on webpages with different colours. It allows you to add sticky notes and bookmark the website. You can share the text with fellow researchers using Diigolet. After installing Diigolet you can directly use it from the toolbar which comes with both free and paid version.

The maximum utilization of resources available to helps in accomplishing the thesis work efficiently and effectively. Hope you understand the need of your thesis and work as per the same.

For any query, post your comments below!

Category : PhD Admission
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