Fighting The Academic Stress With Our Services

There are many PhD students who worry at some point of time about how long their research will be stretched and how soon it can be completed. They face anxious moments while writing a thesis and the biggest hurdle is to defend it successfully so that they can finally move on. Some will manage to get it all done within a reasonable period of time, usually longer than they would have expected, but many others will struggle for several months, or even years, only to finally finish after much, much too long. Many others will back off in frustration in the middle only. Problems that most of the students face while writing the PhD thesis are mentioned below with solutions that our services provide.

  1. Drowning in sea of ‘Topics’:

­This is that enigma which perplexes majority of students when it comes to choosing a topic. As soon as they enroll for their PhD the very thought that flashes their mind is which topic they should choose for their research work. This process of choosing the topic sometimes seems to be never ending wait as students are still figuring out which topic they should have for their research. As a result, procrastination creeps in and out of anxiety they bump into wrong topic selection. Moreover, students in their early stage found themselves clueless about choosing the right thesis topic.

SOLUTION: Hold your horses of thought!! We provide the students with inputs that will help them in choosing the right topic by channelizing their thought process. As we understand the problems of scholars that they normally face while choosing a topic, a battery of experts with rich experience and dexterity in dealing with various aspects of research work-ranging from choosing a topic to removal of plagiarism. This is what our topic selection service comprises of: ­

  • Choice of three original and viable topics related to the area of your study
  • Giving you an overview of 200 words for each of the topic
  • Providing at least five references for each of the topic
  • Search report from Google on the topic
  • Testing the topic
  1. Writing the ‘Writing’:

­Here comes the real monster of writing the research papers which demands good command over the English language. Good piece of writing can earn you awesome grades. But sadly, there are lots of students who do not have that knowledge of English that is generally required at this advanced stage of their studies. Students from non -English speaking regions face lot of hardships in writing their research paper.

SOLUTION: Worry not!! We are happy to help you with our services. Our PhD thesis writers assure you of marvelous piece of work with zero percentage of error and detailed analysis of your topic. With approval of your proposal we get into the writing part of your report. We do not say goodbye with the writing of thesis, as there are cases when your supervisor comments on your style of writing, then we provide the re­writing of thesis.

  1. Seeking perfectionism through editing:

Another uphill task that scares the scholars, ‘Editing’. Editing requires rooting out unnecessary details, repetitions, making amendments in the English language as well as doing away with spelling errors, grammatical errors, punctuation etc. But thesis editing needs an expert editor who can accomplish this task but are generally hard to find out.

SOLUTION: ­ In order to make sure that all the efforts you put in and the pains taken in writing the thesis do not go in vain. We provide the best editing services. Your well researched thesis can face the rejection of the research review committee if it is replete with errors and language mistakes. But with our editing services, we take care of all these probabilities. No matter if you have just started with your writing, you can still write one chapter and can send it to our editors for review. In this process you will get to know your mistakes and improve your writing quality. Even in middle or at last stage you can take advantage of our editing services.

  1. The Dilemma of ‘Rewriting’:

How would you feel when your thesis at the last stage of completion is being rejected? Obviously you will feel like the whole world has shattered down in front of you. This is what really happens with the first time academic writers who are not very sure about their writing quality which is not accepted at the university level. The dream of getting awarded with the PhD degree suddenly seems to be very distant. And the very thought of sitting again in front of computer screen surrounded with piles of papers and reference books, will sap your energy.

SOLUTION: Remember! It is not the end when you have completed your thesis with each and every aspect, as your thesis needs to be flawless. Our thesis rewriting services will make your work stand out cleanly by making it error-free with structured and correct usage of English. We always make sure that your ideas are presented in an organized and logical manner, side by side make your thesis as per the guidelines set by your University. Our rewriting services include - Refining Thesis Format and Flow of Content in thesis, Changing vocabulary and citation style, Presentation of results in a simple manner.

  1. Formatting to make it ‘Best’:

This is the last lag of your race to achieve the PhD degree. It sounds great! Isn't it? But it is not that simple and easy. Thesis formatting is a very critical task which needs to be dealt with carefully. Even a single mistake can mar your chances of getting the degree. For instance, despite having your thesis written in high quality English Language and having your research work done immaculately, but if your formatting is not up to the mark, then the whole process will go in vain.

SOLUTION: Our thesis formatting services helps the students in creating the research document that is as per the format defined by the University. Our endeavor is to ensure that thesis formatting is in accordance with the University and the specific department concerned. We pay special attention towards elements like abstract, typeface and it's quality, margins, spacing, title page, page numbering etc. Our thesis formatting services include Thesis Formatting Service includes: Methods of pagination, Preparing and numbering the figures and tables, Preference of referencing style, Notes placement, Preparing text, Headings and sub-headings, Table/Graphs/Pictures, Table of contents, Citation compliance, Layout formatting, Appendix.

In case you still have any query regarding with your thesis, kindly post your comments below.

Category : Writers Block
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